The Sperm Donation World communities take a strong stance against discrimination from companies that don’t support diversity and people’s freedom of choice in creating their families. The guidelines in our community are 3rd party products won’t be mentioned on our platform unless the company is pro-supportive in what we do we consider this a form of partnership.

Since 2015 the creation of the first Sperm Donation World community we have proven our reputation in support of LGBTQI and Single Mothers by Choice and creating a better society for the future born Donor-conceived people. This community represents normalization and creating acceptance with the aim of stamping out bullying and other discriminatory behavior. Does your organization represent similar values? Then I would love to hear from you!

Sperm Donation World grows every single year and rapid levels and it is a movement that is only going to explode over the next few years. The podcast gets international exposure, media attention, and Hollywood’s own interests. Which makes it the perfect platform to get your business out there.

Feel free to email

Special Topic episodes

If your Organization features in something that is related to fertility, let’s say you manufacture vitamins and you want to talk through the importance of ingredients in regards to increasing infertility this is something we could arrange. Or for instance, your product is like an Ovulation tracking device and you would like to explain the purpose, target audience, and what it’s about in-depth. You could also run a fertility clinic and share new technology or statistical information. We’re open to all forms of propositions.


Adam Hooper has become the unofficial voice of Sperm Donation in Australia, his extensive research began in 2014, and runs some of the largest donor communities worldwide. Every day he hears all sorts of stories and breaking news, The embryo confiscation of VARTA, The Monash IVF Class Action are a couple that was all prior knowledge before the Media caught wind.

Adam Hooper and Kyle Gordy have featured in over 30 news stories between them and quite often when there is positive or negative sperm donation-related story their opinion has been sort out for story input.